Question by Spork21: Will having Celiac Disease keep me from becoming a nurse in the Military?
I want to serve in anyway that I can. I know that I couldn’t be a soldier on the battlefield, but could I become a nurse in the Army or the Air Force? Thanks, any input will be appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by Shauna
It depends on the country, possibly in the branch of the military. For the USA, last I heard, Celiac Disease is an automatic medical discharge, and will prevent your being allowed into the military, period. I understand it’s simply because they cannot provide safe food for you to eat on any of the bases or in the field.
Again, I could be mistaken about a certain branch, but I don’t believe so.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
All servicemembers have to meet the same medical standards to enlist or commission. If you are not eligible to join as a front line Soldier (excluding gender reasons, since women aren’t authorized to fill infantry positions) then you aren’t going to get in as a nurse either.