Question by Hope B: What does it mean to be Gluten free?
And what do I need to eliminate in order to have a gluten free diet? What is ok to eat?
Best answer:
Answer by tiggsy
You have to eliminate wheat, barley, rye and a few other more obscure grains, and all derivatives of them, like flour, soy sauce, malt, wheat germ, bran…
Everything is ok to eat, except these few items. Unfortunately, wheat in particular is found in almost all processed foods, so you have to start eating more natural food – fresh meat and fish without sauces or coatings (except ones you make with gluten free ingredients), fresh fruit and vegetables in their natural state or cooked without glutinous additives, dairy products like cheese and yoghurt (but not low fat varieties, unless they are marked gluten free). There are no “normal” breakfast cereals that are gluten free that I know of. You can get some in health stores, though.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Gluten is present in most grains and cereals, to some degree.
Generally wheat gluten is what people try to avoid.
It is avoided as some digestive systems have a really hard time breaking it down….this is what would be called a gluten intolerance.
It has nothing to do with being a vegetarian – most veg*s eat diets naturally high in gluten.
You’d be best speaking to a dietitian to find out why YOU need to avoid it, if at all.
Good luck
Gluten is wheat protein. Similar proteins are in barley and rye but they have weaker allergenic effects. I assume you are allergic to gluten, otherwise it’s good for you.
Hi. Are you eating gluten free due to a reason such as Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance, allergy or autism? If so, these sites should help you learn your way.
Otherwise, there is no reason to eat gluten free just to lose weight.