Can you still have Celiac Disease if blood tests are negative?

Lori Asked: Can you still have Celiac Disease if blood tests are negative?

I’ve been tested for Celiac but blood tests were negative. I suffer from EXTREME constipation (I had half of my colon removed due to necrosis from a blockage and was eventually prescribed GoLYTELY colon prep once per month…which didn’t work and caused me to be hospitalized. I now can’t have a BM without an enema). I’ve spent years trying various treatments (Miralax, Lactulos, Suppositories, Fiber treatments, increasing fiber, increasing fluids, colon prep enemas…) After experiencing months of fatigue and joint pain, visiting a lot of different medical professionals, and still having no answers, I began a gluten free diet as a desperate attempt to find something that worked. (I had a negative blood test for Celiac). After one week, I became regular for the first time since I can remember. The fatigue improved. But the joint pain still is present.

Can I have Celiac without a positive blood test?

If this is a gluten intolerance, what kind of doctor can confirm this? Am I at risk for other food intolerance?


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